A Typical Day

Each day is planned around the needs and interests of every individual child, enabling each to develop at a rate that suits them. However, the overall structure of the day remains the same, as we know that routine contributes to a secure environment for children when they know what to expect.

The rooms are set up with the children’s individual age and stage of development in mind and the focus enables them to explore, develop, learn and create in a way that is right for them. Our nursery staff will ensure that they know each child thoroughly by playing with them and by talking to parents. We plan activities that will engage and interest each child, extend their skills and experience, and of course, make sure they have fun!

Wherever possible, we like to be able to allow children to choose whether they play indoors or outdoors. When the weather is at its hottest, the children are given as many opportunities as possible throughout the day to explore and play outdoors but their time outside is carefully regulated to avoid the worst excesses of the heat.


Morning starts with the hustle and bustle of arrivals. Staff ensure they know the children in their care, and will encourage them to join in or select an activity or area of play that they particularly enjoy. This is an important time for sharing information about children to ensure that the staff know how well a child has slept, or whether they have been upset during the morning for any reason. Drinks and healthy snacks are offered to children during the morning.


Lunch is generally around 11.30am. We understand how important it is to eat in family groupings, talking about our meal, and making it a relaxing and enjoyable time for everyone. The staff eat with the children.


Younger children are likely to need a sleep during the day. We will always endeavour to allow a child to sleep when they want to, and will also work with parents to establish a routine that suits the need of the child. We have a dedicated sleep room so that all children can sleep within a quiet and peaceful area which is supervised at all times by a member of staff.


When children are collected at the end of the day our staff are available to share any information about the children’s day, as well as pass on any important messages.

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