We recognise that parents are their children’s first and most enduring educators and carers.
Our aim is to work in close partnership with parents to complement their approach to childcare, particularly to assist children when learning new skills such as toilet training, reading and writing. The closer the parent and nursery team work in partnership, the more rewarding the child’s time in nursery will be.
Dovecote Nursery strives to be the leader in high quality, progressive childcare. We will provide a warm, friendly, happy environment where each child is encouraged to reach their full potential through praise, sensitivity and mutual respect.
The nursery door is always open to all parents and carers for informal drop-ins. Parents will also be invited to regular parent’s meetings to discuss a child’s progress.
You will receive regular communication via our nursery App of how their child is doing at the Nursery. You will receive updates on the events of the day as well as photos and videos of the activities they take part in. We encourage parents also to use our direct messaging facility to communicate directly with the child’s teacher. We do not allow the use of mobile phones in the nursery school.
Please let us know if there is anything that we need to be aware of. The sooner and the more we know, the better we can take care of your child. It is also important that we have all the medical and dietary requirement information.
Showbie Parent Access: Signing up to Showbie
Showbie can be used on an iOS device or the web app through any web browser.
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Tap on Sign up for Free and you’re on the way to making an account!

- Tap on I’m a Parent
- Choose to sign up with email or Google. You can also choose Other Sign-up Options to sign up using Microsoft.
- Set a name, email, and password for your account
- If you have a parent code already, you can enter it now or Skip and save it for later